MAP KEY: Kent Co.


Concessions, Tracts, Ranges, Lots

Line Maps / Modern Surveys

Dover East
Dover West
Tilbury East


Much more to come!


The township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 7 running north-westward, and Lots 1 to 18 running north-eastward, with a small Concession A along the road to Thamesville. The Camden Gore, (variously administered by Lambton and Kent counties), contains Concessions 1 to 14 running eastward, with Lots 1 to 10 running northward.


The township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 19 running north-westward, and Lots 1 to 25 running north-eastward. The Chatham Gore, (variously administered by Lambton and Kent counties), contain four Concessions running northward, with 25 Lots running eastward.


Dover East
The township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 18 running northward, and Lots 1 to 24 running eastward. Lots 20-24 are sometimes described within this grid, but often alternately described as lying within an overlapping two Concessions east- and west- of the Baldoon Road, with 45 lots running north.

The following additional sections are described as follows in the 1864 Sutherland directory:

BSES, BSEW Baldoon St. E & W Survey
lots strictly to the E and W of the street

BS Baldoon Survey
Con 1-18
also in the Baldoon Survey
the original lots to the E and W of the BSES and BSEW lots

PB Paincourt Block
subdivided stripe of lots near Pain Court

f = ? Not sure


Dover West
The township, the south tip of the original intact Dover Twp., is laid out in a grid of Concessions 2 to 5 running northward, and Lots 1 to 12 running westward.


The township is laid out in various sections, described as follows in the 1864 Sutherland directory:

LE Lake Erie Survey
Con 1-5
Lots 14-24

WCR West of Communications Rd
Con 1-4
Lots 1-28

ECR East of Communications Rd.
Con 1-3
Lots 1-28, also some letters

RT River Thames Survey
Con 1-5
Lots 1-5

TLR Township Line Range
Lots 1-21

Point aux Pins (reef)
Lots 1-17



The township is largely laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 12 running south-eastward and Lots 1 to 18 running north-eastward. Additional sections are described as follows in the 1864 Sutherland directory:

TLR Township Line Range
Lots 1-26

TRN, TRS Talbot Rd N & S
Lots 77-102

Broken Front Lake Erie (guess LE is Lake Erie)
Lots 89-102

West Boundary Survey (NW corner)
seems to have been original survey along river Thames
Con 1-2 Lots 1-18


The township is largely laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 15 running north-westward and Lots 1 to 25 running north-eastward. Additional sections are described as follows in the 1864 Sutherland directory:

MRN, MRS Middle Ridge Rd. N and S

TRN, TRS Talbot Rd. N and S

Con A borders Indian Reserve

TRR ? Could be Thames River Range
if there is no Con. A, in this case lots 1-6 only along the Thames


The township is largely laid out in a grid of Concessions 2 to 16 running south-eastward, and Lots 1 to 25 running north-eastward. Between the 7th and 8th Concessions is wedged a Concession A with the same lot numbering. An overlapping Lake Erie waterfront range of Lots 130 to 164 continues westward into Romney Township.


The Western Division of the township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 7 running north-westward, and Lots 1 to 24 running north-eastward. The Eastern Division of the township (in the middle) continues in an offset grid of Concessions 1 to 5 running north-westward, and Lots 25 to 30 running north-eastward. At the east part of the township is a Lake Erie waterfront range of Lots 178 to 187 running westward, and above that is the Romney Gore, a triangular extension of Lots 31 to 34.


Tilbury East
The township is largely laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 15 running eastward, and Lots 1 to 26 running southward. With overlapping diagonal concessions on each side of the Middle Road, containing 28 Lots running westward. Also a small waterfront range at Lake Erie, called TRW in the 1864 Sutherland Directory (perhaps for Talbot Road West).


The township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 11 running eastward, and Lots 1 to 15 running northward, with Concessions north- and south- of the Longwoods Road along the Thames River border.