The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 7 to 20 running westward, and Lots 1 to 35 running northward. A large part of the township in the south end, overlaps a different grid at an angle, with Concessions 1 to 6 running westward, and Lots 1 to 31 running northward.
The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 17 running eastward, and Lots 1 to 40 running southward. The original grid is overlapped with individually numbered Lots along the boundaries with London Twp. to the north, and Usborne & Blanshard Twps. to the south.
In the north-west section of the township, a grid is laid of Concessions 2 to 10 running north-westward from the Centerville Road, and Concession 1 below the Centerville Road. Below the concessions, are two Ranges north- and six Ranges south- of the Longwoods Road. The majority of these have Lots running from 1 to 24 north-eastward. The southern tip of the township along the river, is a large Indian reserve “for the Chipawas and Munceys”. A diagonal block cutting into that reserve, along the River, and on either side of a road, are 8 Lots, and I will call that East- and West- of the Mount Elgin Road (since the road leads to Mount Elgin – it is present-day Burwell Road).
The eastern part of the township was earliest-settled (east of modern-day Springer / Bodkin Rd) whereas the western part along the river may have originally been a continuation of an Indian Reserve from the southwest corner. Four Concessions run eastward from the aforementioned road, with 24 Lots running southward.
The township north of the Thames River is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 5 running southward, and Lots 1 to 18 running eastward. South of the river is a grid of Concessions A,B,1 to 5 running southward, with Lots A,B,1 to 24 running westward.
In the north-west section of the township, a grid is laid of Concessions 1 to 5 running north-westward from the Centerville Road. Below the concessions, are two Ranges north- and six Ranges south- of the Longwoods Road. All these have Lots running from 1 to 24 south-westward.
The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 8 running north-westward, and Lots 1 to 55 running north-eastward.
The township is laid out in a grid of Concessions A,B,C,1 to 16 running eastward, and Lots 1 to 32 running northward.
The London “Wards” A-G as outlined in the 1871 census under “London District” – these were the London City boroughs. They did not extend south across the river into Westminster Twp.
The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 26 running westward, and Lots 1 to 36 running southward. At the south part of the township, and overlapping the original grid, are Concessions 5 to 7 running northward, and this section is divided into East- and West- of Centre Road. East of Centre Road contains 36 Lots running eastward. West of Centre Road contains 30 Lots running westward. Along the lake at the west end is “inaccessible drowned land”, but east of the River aux Sables is the Au Sable Concession of 18 Lots running southward. At the north-west corner of the township along the lake is a square section – “Road Reserve for Port Franks”, then Range A and B of 7 Lots running northward.
The north part of the township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 11 running southward, and Lots 1 to 21 running eastward. The south part of the township is laid out in a grid of Concessions 12 to 14 running south-eastward, and Lots 1 to 24 running north-eastward.
In the north-west section of the township, a grid is laid of 12 Concessions running north-west from the Centerville Road, and one Concession below the Centreville Road called Con. 2. Below the concessions, are two Ranges north- and four Ranges south- of the Longwoods Road. All these have Lots running from 1 to 29 south-westward.
The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 7 running northward, and Lots 1 to 36 running eastward.
The township is largely laid out in a grid of Concessions 1 to 9 running southward, and Lots 1 to 50 running westward. At the south-west part of the township are overlapping Concessions on each side of the North Branch Talbot Road. Concessions 1 East- and West- of the NBTR are numbered 50 to 79 running northward. The second Concession West of the NBTR is numbered 1 to 25 running southward.
The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 7 to 20 running westward, and Lots 1 to 35 running northward. A large part of the township in the south end, overlaps a different grid at an angle, with Concessions 1 to 6 running westward, and Lots 1 to 31 running northward.
The township is originally laid out in a grid of Concessions 7 to 20 running northward, and Lots 1 to 25 running westward. Along the township’s western border is Concession 21 with Lots 1 to 27 running northward.